Had a fun moment at Sarcan today.
Earlier this week, we finally got around to trying their “Drop & Go” option where you can just leave your cans and bottles with some kiosk-generated tags then, a few days later, you later get a call that a cheque is ready.
This is way easier than waiting in line with a bunch of bags in the noisey main area then waiting again when you get to the front of the line while your recycling is counted then possibly standing in line a third time to get your money for the recycling you’ve brought in, all while moving around on a floor that’s usually a bit sticky and did I mention the noise?
But not only did we get our money without waiting in any lines, we got a nice note with it. (Of course it also reminded me I’m glad this program didn’t exist when Sasha was small and a babysitter mistook our recycling bin for our garbage bin – a mistake I didn’t discover until I dumped a bag of what I thought was recycling onto their chute and saw a dirty diaper among the cans and bottles! Who knows *what* our note would’ve said then!)
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