Optimism: The Sask NDP released a very innovative climate change policy as part of their annual convention which would see Crown Corps like SaskPower & SaskEnergy helping individuals, organizations and corporations underwrite a move to a green economy which is the best way forward to get off our current “track” and switch to another that could lead to a safer, more secure, more stable, greener future.
Pessimism: This MetaFilter thread is just one example of discussion around recent studies and research that say if humanity hasn’t already reached a tipping point in terms of climate catastrophe, we’re heading in that direction within the next couple decades.
Optimism: Nobel Laureates say that it is still within humanity’s grasp to solve these issues *if* we act now.
Pessimism: Did I mention Donald Trump is President? We’re doomed.
The [Trump] administration did not offer this dire forecast [world temperatures will rise by 7 degrees in 100 years], premised on the idea that the world will fail to cut its greenhouse gas emissions, as part of an argument to combat climate change. Just the opposite: The analysis assumes the planet’s fate is already sealed [so why bother raising fuel efficiency standards].
Optimism: Weirdly, the fact that I’ll likely be dead by the time (within the next century) that these problems lead to terrible outcomes (on the level of potential societal collapse!) is a *good* thing from my perspective.
Pessimism: My kids may not be so lucky and could be alive as society falls from its current heights to Mad Max/Waterworld/Day After Tomorrow levels of anarchy and disaster.
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