In 2006, I took the only Children’s Librarianship class that my library school offered. I did extremely well in it and was one of only six students (out of a class of 20+) that our prof invited for a end-of-class meal and celebration for her most promising students.
One of the reasons she saw great potential for me was a Book Talk assignment which I did in the persona of the main character from the book “Stuck in Neutral” by Terry Trueman – written from the perspective of a young man with cerebral palsy who thinks his parents are plotting to kill him.
Always a multi-tasker, I practiced my book talk while doing dishes the day before I had to do my assignment in front of the class…
Exactly one decade to the day after I did that book talk, I got to spend some time in the role of a children’s librarian once again as I hosted a local school’s summer enrichment program class visit to my branch for the second year in a row. I toured them around the library, talked about the importance of books & reading then read them a few stories including “The Book With No Pictures” which they loved so much, they got me to read it twice in a row!
(The belly laugh of the girl in the bottom left of this collage one teacher tweeted says it all!)
It was very rewarding to hear one of the teachers say the kids were still laughing and talking about my story time at lunch that day.
Maybe I should’ve been a children’s librarian?
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