[Edit: I have no idea why I posted this on a Wednesday. I’ve fixed the date.]
I’m still thankful that, ten years ago this month, a couple upper year students told me during my first couple weeks of library school that it’s more important to get a photo of the people you start the program with rather than the ones you convocate with.
She said that since you spend pretty much your entire semester with these people doing required classes, they’re the ones you’ll get to know best and the ones you’ll think of as “your” class. Then, in later semesters, you’ll be in different classes with different people and because of the various ways to complete the program and co-op terms, you’ll end up convocating with a fairly random group of people that you may or may not know very well.
(Plus organizing this photo also gave me a chance to get at least half of my class looking at me like I was a complete goofus, roughly two weeks after I’d first met them!)
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