- Shea jammed her finger winding up a Christmas spinning toy before we even left but luckily it only hurt for a day.
- Coming from a long line of Scots, I refuse to pay for something I can get for free. So while Shea goes to a tanning salon before any trip to get a nice glow going, I don’t tan and instead, burn for the first few days (even with sunscreen applied liberally) which eventually turn into a tan. Ouch!
- I ended up with some red marks on my thigh just above my knee that was either a rash from sand rubbing while I walked up and down the beach or (less likely since they weren’t itchy) bug bites.
- On that note, one of the funniest moments of our trip was hearing Sasha repeatedly exclaim “I have sand in my bum!” after sitting on shore as waves washed into her.
- Sasha fell off a chair in one of the a la carte restaurants and banged her head really hard but luckily seems okay (although with how goofy she is normally, Shea and I might not be able to tell either!)
- My tender feet were hurt repeatedly walking on the beach as I stepped on shells, coral and other assorted ocean debris but unlike many other tropical trips, I managed to survive without breaking a toe (something I’ve done in Mexico, Hawaii and again in Mexico during a different trip!)
- Carrying Sasha into a darkened nightclub for the Kids’ Disco, I tripped on a step up to another level of the nightclub. Sasha was unhurt but both of my shins got nice scrapes even through the long pants and high dress socks I happened to be wearing since it was New Year’s Eve.
- I have a scrape on my inner arm but have no idea how it got there.
- Surprisingly, no one got Montezuma’s Revenge though one member of our party was on the verge. (We were very fortunate as every second person we met had stories of losing multiple days to sickness including an entire family from Switzerland.)
- Pace hurt his hand doing parkour on what he thought was a big rock in the resort but turned out to be a giant piece of dried coral.
Head Tale
Yet Another Librarian's Blog
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