So it’s no secret that I’m an atheist.
One of the many reasons I lost whatever inherited belief I had as a child growing up was seeing the wide range of hypocritical behaviours by (so-called) believers.
I never saw the proverbial “stepping over the homeless person to get to the church on time” (or much worse). But I did see many things that I couldn’t map against what I understood of the Bible and Jesus’ teachings.
I mean, the Bible has some things that are pretty hard to interpret. But it’s also pretty clear on other things, including the biggies.
Although I’m not religious, I was very interested to hear the take of Father Malcolm French, an Anglican priest when he posted on Facebook that his sermon this week would be about the recent death of three year old refugee, Alan Kurdi. I met Malcolm through the world of politics and I very much respect him (even with the one quite large blind spot he has in his life!)
You can hear and read his very moving sermon online.
But it makes me wonder about (all) our hypocrisies and how they make us complicit – whether you’re religious but selectively read the Bible. Or if you think that “those people” should stay in their country without recognizing that, unless you’re Aboriginal, you’re descended from immigrants seeking a better life too. Or if you write long blog posts about your confusion and rage but don’t do anything else (even a small donation to the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders or War Child.)
Uhm, be right back…
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