Before the trip, Pace and I kept playing The List Game (“Name five things you’re going to do on the beach”, “Name five things you’re going to eat at the buffet”, “Name five things you’ll do on the plane”) and that’s continued after our return home.
Tonight, we (okay, mostly *I* since the things Pace remembered as funny are mostly disturbing) came up with this list…
1. Pace had taken the path through a central “jungle” in our resort instead of walking around the outside paths like he often did. But one time, instead of waiting for us on the other side as usual, we see him walking down the path towards us from the opposite direction, pretending to be a stranger and like, many of the workers and other guests do, casually said “Hola!” as he continued walking past!
2. My mother-in-law presented me with a pair of crocheted swimming trunks. Worse, she and her co-workers who made them had made sure they were anatomically correct!
3. The first time Pace got up on a stool at the swim-up bar and started dancing to the bachata music.
4. Sasha trying a taste of the sand the first time we took her to the beach. Then again. And again. It actually took her a few tries before she realised the beach wasn’t a giant sheet of brown sugar!
5. It was more funny in a “ha ha! We could’ve been mugged or killed” sense-of-relief way. But after hopping into an unmarked “cab” after the Ringo Starr concert then having the drive get lost and proceed to take us down a dark street, there was much nervous laughter when we finally got safely back to our resort! (The dark street he took led to a different resort – he’d mis-heard the name of our resort and had to get directions from their gate keeper.)
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[…] for awhile so I was hoping for that. Well, we outdid ourselves this year with a trip to the Dominican Republic with Shea’s parents and my parents in February and then *another* trip to Cuba with my […]
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