Heard the very sad news today that John Mann of Spirit of the West has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers.
Like many people who were college-aged in the 1990’s, Spirit of the West was basically a soundtrack to my life back then. When I went to England on exchange in 1995, the lyric I quoted in the title of this post was tacked to the door of my dorm room. I’ve also been fortunate to see them live a handful of times – some of which are among my most memorable concerts of all-time (while others are my most forgotten for entirely different reasons!) The song I consider “our song” for Shea and I (and the ringtone that sounds when Shea calls me) is a Spirit of the West song. And to this day, I can’t go to a wedding reception or other celebration or party with friends without having to hear “Home For A Rest” played. (I was *shocked* when one buddy got married in St. John’s and their DJ didn’t have the song in his collection!)
This early video for the song, shot in 1989, takes on a certain poignancy given today’s news. (Man/Mann, it fucking sucks getting old.)
“Home For A Rest” – Spirit of the West
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[…] I recently wrote about the sad news that Spirit of the West lead singer, John Mann, has been diagnos…. […]
[…] year? As mentioned in the last entry, the new U2 album will probably define this year for me. Also, anything by Spirit of the West who I got back into quite heavily this year after their lead singer announced he has early onset dementia. “Seasons (Waiting on You)” by […]
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