There’s a certain level of irony that I spent part of my Good Friday watching a band from just behind a guy who was wearing a “Who Needs God When You’ve Got Satan” t-shirt.
But I should probably back up a bit…
Shea and I spent Friday doing a bunch of spring cleaning with my parents who’d come up for a couple days to help us out. Since they were already here, we were able to respond in the affirmative when a friend texted to see if we wanted to go see his son’s band, Herb and the Humans who were opening for another band that was in the midst of a Canadian tour.
Here are a few random thoughts from the evening…
- That moment when you realise that you’re friends, not with people who play in bands, but people whose twenty year old sons play in bands!
- I was also *very* relieved when my friend also brought and offered Shea and I earplugs – a definite first for me at a concert but instead of a week of ringing ears like when I went to concerts in my younger days, I could actually hear the next day which was nice.
- I didn’t catch their name but the opening band reminded me of the type of music my MLIS classmate Paul Slater plays in his band, Monobrow.
- I’m also a lot less self-conscious at concerts than I used to be when I was young. For example, I could give two shits if anyone noticed I was wearing ear plugs whereas, when I was 20, I’d be anxious if I even thought I was standing wrong while watching teh band.
- Psychobilly is a thing. (What? That’s what Reverend Horton Heat plays? Oh, cause I saw that band play at Ness Creek like 15 years ago. Music cred restored!)
- Shea and I were able to get to Bushwakkers before the show for an appetizer and a pint. It’s a kid-free pub so unfortunately, we don’t get there as often as we’d like to. In fact, the last time I was there was when Shea was down in Weyburn and I stopped in for supper after work and happened to bump into the same friend who’s son plays in the band. (That night ended a lot differently than a single pint though!)
- It was an all ages show which, to my mind, means kids who are 16, 17, 18 (eg. just under the legal age for buying booze) are allowed in. But there were a TON of really young kids – like, I’m talking Pace’s age – 6,7,8 years old! (I really hope all their parents brought them ear plugs as well!)
- The headlines had a flat tire so Herb and the Humans got to play a couple extra songs which was a nice bonus.
- When I see people wearing shirts affirming their approval of Satan, I don’t feel fear or anger but more of a “oh, isn’t that cute?” no different than if he was wearing a clever nerd pun shirt.
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[…] Here’s a clip of the band we went to see last Friday night. […]
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