Just looked back through my previous posts on February 6 of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.
I may have mentioned it in passing in one of those entries or done something on a different nearby date. But apparently I’ve never once written about the fact that February 6 is Shea’s and my legal wedding date.
It’s never been a big deal to us – as I mentioned in one of my earliest posts on this blog, Shea and I have been married three times.
Because of the red tape and extra expense involved in a destination wedding, we got legally married by a JP in our living room in Calgary while wearing jeans and drinking wine. That was February 6, 2003.
A month later on March 5, we had a ceremony on the beach in Mexico which is the anniversary we count as our “real” wedding and which we celebrate each year.
Then, during August long weekend in 2003, we had a Mexican-themed party and reception in Shea’s hometown for all the family and friends who couldn’t make it to Mexico. (Shea wore her wedding dress to this party so that’s why I can count it as our third wedding!)
Anyhow, even though today mostly reminds me of how I called around to every JP in Calgary looking for the cheapest one – and ended up hiring someone who we later found out was going through a divorce of her own! – I wanted to wish a Happy Anniversary to my wonderful, amazing, funny wife.
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[…] I married the same woman three different times. […]
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