The Riders are already the third most successful team in terms of selling merchandise in Canada, behind only the Montreal Canadiens and Toronto Maple Laffs. That’s partly because there isn’t much you can’t buy without the Riders logo on it.
The Riders’ unprecedented success can also be attributed to a significant expansion in products, thanks to having dozens of licensees. Fans can buy Rider-themed light-switch covers, ceramic chip and dip bowls, motor oil, fish hooks — even a Rider poker set.
With the recent Grey Cup victory, I expect they might even beat out both of those franchises, at least for one year!
Here are some ideas to help them along…
- Commemorative DVD of the Grey Cup Game
- Complete DVD Set featuring all the pre-game coverage, Player Awards, bonus features such as news coverage during the week, etc.
- Commemorative CD featuring all the various songs that have been written for the Riders and/or that are closely connected to the Riders. Maybe it could be a 2CD set – one with the more commercial songs like “What I Wouldn’t Do” by Serena Ryder and “Paint The Whole World Green” by Jason Plumb and another with things like “Green is the Colour” and “Rider Pride”.
- Branded merchandise (t-shirts, etc.) that connects the Riders’ victory with it also being the final Grey Cup to be played at Taylor Field (I’m sure there’s a witty slogan that smarter people than I could come up with.)
- Branded merchandise that shows the Grey Cup, the final score with each team’s logo and, at the bottom or on the back, the hash tag #dariansfault
- Great Western was making CFL-branded beer with cans that looked like footballs. Would be smart to turn those into Rider Grey Cup footballs if licensing allowed.
- I’m not sure how you’d turn this brief video clip into a piece of merchandise (screen saver? Iphone app?) but I’d buy it!
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