Found this clip buried in a folder on my hard drive…
One thing I’ll always remember about this trip to a writing event I helped organize in Medicine Hat in 2002 – why do event organizers (even other writers who should know better!) often provide a huge meal right before an event when the energy and nerves often make authors unable to eat much if anything at all?
Myself and the evening’s featured reader, amazing spoken word poet, Sheri-D Wilson, get to Medicine Hat and the local host, author Don Lemna takes us out for a gigantic steak meal. It was beyond delicious but I was *really* glad I didn’t have to do more on stage than bring greetings from the Writers Guild of Alberta and a couple local media hits!
Oh, there’s one other story I’ll remember from this trip that Sheri-D told me. I’m not going to share it – only because it was such a mix of sweet and shocking that I intend to use it in my own fiction writing someday!
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