Over the years, I’ve occasionally posted about some of the search terms that were bringing people to my blog. I did this once a few months after starting my blog in 2006 and again during the 2009 NDP Leadership Race and probably a few other times as well.
I thought it might be interesting to re-visit the idea to see what search terms show up in my referral logs when I’m just doing my thing, posting randomly about technology, libraries and cute baby news (although search engines can and do link to my posts going back to 2006 if it fits their algorithm. For example, for the longest time, the most referred post on my blog was one where I referenced Darth Vader and Eminem!)
Here’s what people have been searching for in the last 30 days (the numbers are best guesses as people will and do use all kinds of variations of search terms and I haven’t scanned through the entire search log to count all of them)…
- “Eulogy for Uncle” (and variations eg. “Eulogy Examples Uncle”)- 40+ times
- “Head Tale” – 30+ times in the last month (my pet peeve is people who Google web sites instead of typing their URL’s directly into the browser. Someone I know who does this says it helps prevent typos but I don’t buy it!)
- “Fred Eaglesmith Tabs” (and variations) – 25+ times (I’ve now put a link to the Wayback Machine’s archive of my page so that will hopefully do in case I never get around to rebuilding this popular page I used to have)
- “Life Milestones List” – 20+ times – of all the search terms that bring people to my blog, this is probably going to lead them to an entry closest to what I suspect people are actually looking for
- “How Do You Make A Rye & Coke Press” – 15+ times another consistently popular post going back to the first year of my blog (which has also contains some discussion of referral logs
- “Similarities between sports and religion” – 10+ times
- “Yellow Belly Wedding” – 5 times (apparently there’s a huge market for weddings in brewpubs!)
- “RplWatch” – 5+ times (you’ll need to look over there)
Some other interesting one-offs (my top hits are fairly consistent so the one-offs are my favourites as they can be ANYTHING!)…
- “porno, ftrw”
- “hockey playoffs running out of beer”
- “hit the rhubarb”
- “looking for sex in Williston, ND”
- “i want to help you lift enormous things”
- “sask ndp slogans”
- “worst professor ever”
- “knock knock rape”
- “running back to saskatoon racist”
- “php function to censor cursing on all wordpress pages”
- coedtoplesspulpfiction
- “we can and do spend too much time worring whether librarianship is a craft or and art, a job or a profession”
- “and possibly litigious”
- “canada sensorship is bullshit”
- <lots of vanity searches/stalker searches of people who’s names I’ve mentioned on this blog>
- <lots of searches relating to different aspects of the recent NDP Leadership race – not just Ryan Meili but lots of people looking for the dirt on Cam Broten too apparently!>
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