Had a busy day as Shea’s and my parents were in to spend a day doing various things to help us get ready for the arrival of “Princess Kate” (as our baby girl has been christened by Grandpa Dennis, the only one to successfully guess “girl” during our Baby Reveal on Christmas Eve.)
Grandma Joan showing off the baby’s newly painted room…
Jason and his mom showing off an IKEA dresser (perhaps the single most swear-filled project of the day!)…
Papa Dennis and Papa Ray installed a new vanity (that’s not a typical “new baby” home improvement. But since we were doing so many other projects, it was a good excuse to get rid of our original one that I always thought looked like something from a 1970s porn film. Uhm, not that I would know what a 1970s porn film looks like!)
Papa Ray re-hanging the curtains after the painting is done…
The proud parents survey the baby’s new room…
We finished the day at Teppanyaki Japanese Steak House for a thank-you for your help/triple birthday party (Shea, Janet, Joan). Pace *loved* the “ninja” restaurant with knife-twirling chefs, flaming food and dragon paintings on the wall.
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