There’s less than a week left until the deadline for selling NDP memberships (how did that come up so fast?)
I’ve spent the evening spamming reaching out to pretty much any potential NDP member in my Facebook friends list (so I expect to be de-friended by quite a few people by tomorrow!)
This exercise does bring up one interesting observation – one of the things that the NDP needs to do to re-build is to reach out beyond their traditional supporters and bring more people into the tent. And from what I’ve seen so far, I think Ryan’s been incredibly successful at this – at least partly because he’s already attracted a group of supporters who aren’t traditional NDP members. That means the friends of these people aren’t likely to be active NDP members either but are very open to personal approaches from their friends about joining the party.
That means Ryan’s campaign is bringing in former supporters of the Green Party and the Sask Party; artists & business people; new immigrants to Saskatchewan and people who’ve lived here their whole lives but have signed up for a political party membership for the first time in their lives; plus many many more.
It’s been a wonderful thing to be a part of and I hope the NDP’s membership chooses to elect Ryan Meili in a month and half so he can continue building this amazing coalition!
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