Saturday Snaps – Telemiracle, Telemundo, Tell A Kid To Do Something

Due to a couple large corporate donations and a $1.4 million bequest from a retired farmer, last weekend’s Telemiracle was the most successful of all-time. (Minor claim to fame – I was the guy who added the annual totals section to the Wikipedia entry – yay me!)

One of the highlights of watching this show as a kid was watching the crawl for names of people or nearby towns you knew. (They also used to really focus on “challenges” eg. “Mrs. Smith challenges all new grandmothers” or “Mr. Smith challenges all other John Deere fans” but they seem to have done away with that for some reason.)

Anyhow, it’s always a challenge to see your own name but this year, we happened to catch it and, due to the magic of PVR, I even got a screen shot. (I actually put it in as “Pace Hammond” but they must have used the name on the credit card.)


Last weekend was our anniversary so Shea made tres leche cake to remind us of our wedding banquet in Mexico which was the first place I ever tried this unique treat – yum!


Pace appears to have forgotten a very important detail when putting on his boots after I picked him up from daycare on Tuesday…


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