Anybody still using Google+? The site definitely seems to have cooled over after the big buzz of its launch (my all-time favourite G+ post was the one Redditor who posted “This site is already dead. Nobody’s using it anymore.” ONE WEEK after it went live!)
Anyhow, I’m still checking it regularly – beyond the few people I know on it, it’s become a really good source of tech info – both from the gurus who are active on there (Tom Anderson who founded MySpace is actually one of my favourite posters) and also from the hundreds of Redditors and MeFites who I’m following. I also have specific circles for both Google & Facebook employees (guess which one is more useful on G+?)
Plus there’s always that randomness to the content that all social networks with news streams tend to have – funny pictures and videos, random observations and updates, book and movie recommendations and so on.
Here are a few resources for G+:
- Can the Google+ Utopia Last?
- Why Google+ and Facebook’s Concept of “Real Names” is The Real Revolution?
- An Excellent (Dewey-Inspired?) Method for a Classifying Your Circles
- Directory of well-known people on G+ (celebrities, authors, tech gurus, journalists, musicians, etc.)
- Social Statistics tracks the most followed people on G+ (which is another good way to find popular users to follow)
- 20 Google+ Tips to Enhance Your Experience
- Why Libraries Should Pass on G+ Right Now (But Librarians Need To Be On It)
- …and a bonus link. “How Google Dominates Us” from the New York Times Review of Books featuring an essay linked by a number of recent Google-themed books. (via MetaFilter)
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