Saturday Snap – Dear Santa

Dear Santa, originally uploaded by headtale.

Pace is getting very excited for Christmas this year – he “encouraged” us to put up the tree a week ago and then, the next day, decided not only that we had to write a letter to Santa *right now* but also, walk down the dark, snowy street to the nearest mailbox at 7:30pm to mail it. (Okay, I admit I gave in pretty quickly after my “We’ll mail it tomorrow!” line was met with a look from him saying “Are you serious?  Tomorrow?  That’s HOURS away!”)

The iPhone focused on Pace more than the letter in this photo so if you can’t make it out, he’s asking for Zhu Zhu Pets, track for said Zhu Zhu pets, a Spider-man truck and…a froggy. (Near the end of the letter, I think he saw he had more room to list stuff and started looking around for inspiration – settling on a frog-shaped container that I keep my markers in!)

Oh, and that sort of swirly-shaped thing at the top of the letter? That’s a “circle” he drew for Santa!

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