Popular Science Lecturer Collapses, Students Rush To…Twitter?

Stories like this are only hastening my arrival at a “kids these days!” state of old man intolerance and disgust.

Okay, I’m sure part of this isn’t just a generation of insensitive, YouTube zomboids not reacting to an emergency but also a terrible example of the bystander effect, except, like so many other things, the events are made more immediate/amplified by the presence of social media.

(On only a slightly related note, I have a few young, high school aged cousins as Facebook friends and I just want to say that I am *so* glad that I came of age before social media existed.  My high school experiences of puppy love, bullying, experimentations of various kinds and all the other stupidity that is high school were, for the most part, contained and/or soon forgotten rather than being widely broadcast and permanently archived.


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