Five Pop Topics Round Up

Recurring feature alert!  I've done this before where I do five quick hits on my five most common topics on this blog and why not, let's do it again.

Here's a few quick hits on my most popular topics…


Uhm, it's July 28.  This does not bode well for this aspect of the Pop Topics recurring feature.  Luckily the Reddit hockey sub-reddit has lots of posts to keep a fan interested.  Here's one on “The Ten Ugliest Hockey Players of All-Time” and I'm proud to say I picked #1 before clicking the link!

Libraries get a mall make-over” highlights a trend for locating public libraries in malls and I've gotta say, RPL has been on this trend for fifteen years when we first put a library in a local mall.  (Er, that date may not be exactly right.  I wasn't around then…)  Plus we're doing the co-locating thing all over the place – we've got one branch from the same era in a city facility that also has an indoor pool, we've just broken ground on a re-located branch that will become part of an inner-city community centre and another will be part of a shared facility that has a wide range of community organizations in it including public health, police, schools and more.   

Pace Cuteness
Let's see…this wasn't Pace directly but we thought it was funny when he came home with some art from daycare labeled “Paste” by a casual worker they had in that day.  We knew “Pace” was a fairly unique name but never expected it to be mis-heard like that!  This probably doesn't count as “cute” either but when we were heading out of town last weekend, Pace immediately recognized McDonald's, thought Superstore was Wal-Mart and today, saw a Domino's logo on top of a car and happily exclaimed, “Pizza delivery car.”  His brand awareness probably provides way too much insight into the crap we do as consumers! 

I love this take-down of the Tea Baggers.  They don't get mad at some of the most outrageous acts in the history of their nation but try to offer people the ability to go to a doctor when they need to and look out!

Random Link(s) Somehow Relating to Popular Social Media Site
What did it take you a surprisingly long time in life to figure out you were doing wrong?” and “Five Minute Lesson” – both from AskMetafilter seem somewhat related to me.

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