The Pop Songs blog was set-up for the author to do an analysis of every song in the R.E.M. catalogue. This led to Michael Stipe himself contacting the site and ending up answering numerous reader questions about R.E.M.'s songs and their genesis – how cool is that?
MetaFilter has a thread titled “What is 'Try Not To Breath About?” which has lots of good discussion about what I think is R.E.M.'s best album.
I can't find it anymore but way back in the day, there used to be a really cool site where someone had made a bunch of atmospheric graphics with excerpts from R.E.M. songs attached. (In the early days of the Internet and as a big R.E.M. fan, you can't imagine how cool I found this!)
I happened to have a couple on my hard drive but unfortunately, didn't save them all (and can't find the site again – assuming it even still exists.) Here's a sample…

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