[Edit: I just realised that “Saturday Snap” was probably never more appropriate as a title!]
No, not it does not! Just that none of the other options (bright orange, glow-in-the-dark white, camouflage) appealed to daddy's highly evolved sense of fashion.
Man, thinking more about it – I played rec hockey with this team for almost ten years from either first or second year of undergrad till when Shea and I moved to Calgary in 2001. Then I played again all of last year. During all those years, we played all winter, many summers, at least one and often two games per week from October to March. In fact, our home ice time used to be on a Friday so there were more occasions than I care to remember where I'd go to hockey after having had a beer or four. But I've never had a serious injury in all that time. The odd bruise or slight twist or tweak of some body part, sure. But a broken bone?? Aaaarrrgghhhh!

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