Glenn Beck Rapes and Murders Web Memes

If you're fortunate enough not to know, Glenn Beck is the latest TV talking head in the US in the Bill O'Reilly/Rush Limbaugh mould (mold?).  He's getting a lot of attention recently, posting the largest viewership gains of any cable news host and being the driving force behind the Tea Bag protests (“Hey Bevis, Heh, He said Tea-bagger.  Heh-heh.  Heh.”)

Anyhew, someone decided to turn his “when did you stop beating your wife?” rhetorical style against him by setting up a site called

This article talks about Beck's attempts to have the site taken down (and why that approach may backfire) as well as providing some deeper thoughts on web memes, trademark law and what is permissible in terms of satire of public figures. 

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