I'm teaching a session on Web 2.0 at one of our branches this afternoon then immediately heading out for Saskatoon for a SILS demo tomorrow and then the SLA conference until late Saturday afternoon.
Shea and Pace are going to her folks until Sunday so I'm pretty sure this is the longest period I've been away from Pace since he was born. (I think I was only away three days when my grandpa died right after Pace was born – this will be five days!) I've had the odd day or two away here and there over the past couple years but this one feels like it'll be especially tough.
Saying good-bye this morning, a memory flashed into my head – my mom and sister and I sitting on a train when Regina still had an operational station (instead of the casino it's now become) preparing to go to BC to visit my grandparents. For whatever reason, my dad couldn't go (seeding time? Probably something farm related anyhow.) I remember just bawling my eyes out as the train left the station and I looked out the window and down at my dad waving. I was obviously a bit older than Pace is now – maybe 5 or 6? – so I'm going with the assumption that he doesn't yet make any distinction between not seeing me for a few hours when I'm at work and a few days in circumstances like this.
Of course the reverse can't said to be true… See you on Sunday, Monkey!

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