Friday Fun Link – DIY Library (Sept 5, 2008) …and a question for the MacVangelists out there.

“A new library in Casanera, Colombia shows us what humankind might have
built with sticks and stones if they'd never discovered bricks, steel,
and electricity
. The Villanueva Public Library was built on a modest
budget, designed by a bunch of university students in Bogota. And
instead of importing fancy, expensive materials, builders used local
timber and stones from nearby rivers to lower transportation costs.
Then, instead of hiring experienced construction workers, they trained
local people to build it.”

(via Reddit)

On another topic, a question for all of you MacVangelists out there.  If you were to buy a new MacBook, which one would you go for?  Is the MacBook Pro worth what seems to be a substantial extra cost?  Do any of you run Parallels or other software to run Windows for PC-only apps?  Any other thoughts somebody looking to possibly convert should consider?  I'm just kicking tires here but with a new laptop in my near horizon, I want to check out all the options. 

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