Like many places, Saskatchewan has numerous towns with unique names – for example, Moose Jaw, Elbow, Eyebrow, Climax (which is just down the road from Conquest)! Even my own hometown of Indian Head has provided the occasional laugh for the less politically correct among us (although the true reason it has that name is no laughing matter.)
But there is one town that tops them all for “huhzawhat?” reactions in our province. In fact, I know a guy who dated a girl for six months before she admitted to being from this town and then, only because they were getting engaged and she realised she'd no longer be able to only arrange meetings with her family in Regina, in his hometown, at Moose Jaw and other neutral locations. The town? Big Beaver, Saskatchewan.
I was in a nearby town today and had a couple hours for my lunch break so decided to take a little tour to see the Big Muddy badlands and then Big Beaver.
It's a town of 21 people, most famous for an old-fashioned prairie general store named Aust's with the slogan “If We Don't Have It, You Don't Need It”. They also sell cute t-shirts showing Canada's national animal with the words, “Big Beaver, SK” on it (which you can buy from the web site I linked to above.) I'm not saying whether I bought one for Pace or not but I do think he's going to be quite the hit at playtime in a couple years!

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