I told the story in a recent post about how the person that clued me in about Santa Claus was also the same person that first made me doubt the existence of God.
So I thought the picture below was appropriate for today, even though I know that posting this picture today is sort of the equivalent walking into an Irish bar on St. Patrick's Day and pointing out that St. Patrick didn't drive the snakes from Ireland. (Or coming up to me on the opening day of the NHL season and saying that the Flames suck – which admittedly they do, based on their last two OT losses. And which reinforces my point that we all need to look at the hard cold truth behind any statement or belief!)
So anyhow, Happy Yule everyone and, whether you're a believer or not, here's hoping Santa brought you a copy of “The God Delusion” as a gift (or your local library brings it to you as a hold) as it's probably the single best book I read in the last year!

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