Not sure how it started but I used to have a slightly more frequent tradition of clearing out the various tidbits I'd been sent by e-mail, found on the web and some of the other random thoughts banging around my head in one big post, tied for some unknown reason, to a holiday, well-known or otherwise.
So Happy Guy Fawkes Night – let's blow up the backlog!Regina Leader Post humour columnist Ron Petrie provides a list of words that Saskatchewan needs. Everytime I see a Saskatchewan-based list like this, I always wonder how applicable the ideas are to other parts of Canada or are some of these ideas really unique to Saskabush? (For example, do other places in Canada have somebody holding the door for every single person who comes through then the last person holds the door for the first? That happens here all the time.)
An article from the Globe & Mail on why Canada's middle class is so healthy compared to most other countries – basically, effective redistribution of wealth (I think the original article is now behind a pay wall so this is a reprint on someone's blog. When will all media outlets figure out that putting all their content out and accessible is the way to go? The New York Times recently decided to drop the pay wall and good on them.)
I made a subtle reference to the lack of polish of the local NDP canadidate in Weyburn-Big Muddy in my entry about the candidate's debate Shea and I attended. Then I came across this. I really want to give her the benefit of the doubt – it was for cable access, she knows she's not going to win anyhow so she's having fun with it, she's trying to be unique. But the reality as one poster on the blog I found it at says “It looks like she's running for 8th grade class president, not a sitting member of the provincial legislative assembly.” Shea and I voted in an advance poll in our home riding this weekend so I don't have to make the difficult decision about whether to vote for the Liberal who's the only candidate directly connected to libraries in the entire province, a former school friend of Shea's or the NDP candidate in Tommy Douglas' old riding. (And yes, that's something that adds yet another level of horror to the clip. Unbelievable.) Maybe I should've run after all – I couldn't do any worse, could I?
Why does the Green Party put out lawn signs?
Head Tale
Yet Another Librarian's Blog
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