I just had it brought to my attention that Bloglines isn't reading my feed (and hasn't since July 18 – wow, my birthday post helped knock out part of the Internet!). If you subscribe to this blog via Bloglines, hopefully you've realised this and are checking in directly or reading this via another RSS reader (Google Reader is popular and I personally use NetVibes). I've started doing some investigating and hopefully I can get it figured out soon.
Also, I've updated the Spirit of Librarianship page as promised in a recent entry. I also created a Facebook group for former nominees and winners so if you search for Spirit of Librarianship, you should find it. I've written before about my interest in Digital Footprints, the information about ourselves that is online, both intentionally and unintentionally. This is an interesting series on the same topic (though he calls it Digital Breadcrumbs.)
This letter is the very entertaining response from a smaller Australian book distributor when an Australian bookstore chain tries to charge them to make up for the “unacceptable profitability level” that stocking their books creates. (Wouldn't that be great in any business? If you're not making enough profit, charge your suppliers to make up the difference!)
A discussion of library fines at Librarian.net. I've mentioned in passing that the system I work for doesn't have overdue fines and I think that's about one of the most progressive ideas libraries can pursue. There are some who say that it's charges for losses and damages that are the real barriers for a lot of disadvantaged people but I think those two issues are intimately related. Put another issue on the list of “topics I wish I'd written about in library school but never did.”
Spock is a new people-centered search engine. It's a good idea in concept but quite lacking otherwise, at least so far. For example, I'm definitely not going to give anyone my LinkedIn password just so I can “claim my profile” on your site. So for the time being, I think I'll continue to use Facebook to find people from my past.
(Speaking of, this is probably crossing that line between things I should keep for my personal journal and things that are appropriate for the blog but I feel compelled to mention that I stumbled across the Facebook profile of the charitable young woman to whom I lost my virginity to many moons ago. I wasn't stalking her (honest!) but she'd joined a Facebook group for a resort area near my hometown that we'd both grown up with and the only reason I recognized her while scrolling through the list of group members was because she listed her maiden name (or may be going by a hyphened name now – hard to tell.) To be honest, I haven't searched for any of the women who've been similarly charitable to me in my past – not sure why that is and I don't feel like doing the self-analysis needed to figure it out, thank-you very much. Still, it's yet another way that Facebook can re-unite you with your past in ways you least expect.)Putting Things In Perspective – an interesting article espousing the idea that, no matter what you're doing and how mundane it may seem, you should envision yourself as an elderly person looking back on yourself doing it and no matter what the activity is, you'll appreciate it more.
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