…and his name is “Pace Owen Hammond” (Pace being the Middle English word for “Peace” and Owen just being a name we liked.)

Pace was born on May 19, 2007 at 12:33am at the Regina General Hospital. He weighed 6lbs 6ozs and was 18 1/2 inches long. The Apgar tests of his reflexes, awareness, etc. at one minute and five minutes after his birth saw him scoring 9/10 both times – Pace's first A+'s!
We did end up having to have a c-section at the end of a long day of labour as baby ended up being in the breech position, having decided to do one last somersault in the last couple weeks. Both mother and baby are doing extremely well and we should be home from the hospital Monday or Tuesday if everything goes as planned.

The timing was perfect – we'd come into Regina from Weyburn for our second last pre-natal class and four hours after class ended, we were at the hospital. Talk about inspiration!
We were sent home for a few hours and returned the next day at noon having had a leisurely morning at home, taking a few last “belly” pictures, doing some last minute house-cleaning (the baby was full-term but came about three weeks before the official due date so we're feeling like we're not ready – although I guess you probably never are truly ready for a baby.)
Anyhow, as I said earlier, both mother and baby are doing well (and dad's not doing too bad himself although he realises sleep is now something that will be a distant memory.) Thanks to everyone for all the kind words and wishes over the past nine months – more photos and fun to follow in the weeks, months (and years!) to come. Here's a personal favourite shot – Pace seems to be saying “Please tell me this isn't my twin!”

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