We Made It!
Well, we made it. Our last couple days in London were pretty hectic with packing and last minute stuff but, like anything, it got done.
Dumpster Diving Redux
At the start of the year, I couldn't believe how many people threw out perfectly good stuff but by the time we left, I understood why. We ended up selling much of our stuff at a deep discount and what we couldn't sell got left in the apartment where the manager may yet decide to trash it. (If anybody wants a free patio furniture set, go to 1231 Richmond and tell the assistant manager, Shelley, that Jason Hammond said you could claim it from #804. There's also a plastic chest of drawers, a bedside table and a small bookshelf (which was originally a dumpster dive reclamation project.))
Greyhound's Pick-up Policy
Apparently “door to door” doesn't mean your apartment door, it means your apartment building's door. So you get to trudge a bunch of your boxes downstairs and then the delivery guy walks then two steps to his van. Rinse, repeat.
WestJet's Damage Policy
If you're lucky, they forget to ask you to sign the back of the baggage tag waiving responsibility for damage to fragile items. We were lucky…
About That Blog Name
“Yet Another Library Student's Blog” doesn't cut it anymore since I'm no longer a library student (although I think I could fudge it a bit and say I'll always be a student of libraries in some form. Lifelong learning and all that jazz.)
“Yet Another Unemployed Librarian's Blog” is a bit self-defeating (and hopefully won't last too long.)
“Yet Another Library Grad Who Also Writes About Poopy Diapers on Occasion” is a mouthful (er, figuratively, not literally…I hope.)
“Yet Another Blog Rendered Aimless By The Lack of Anything Exciting To Write About”
(On that note, my thinking right now is that I still want to have a fairly strong library focus to this blog although perhaps broadening my perspective a bit since I suspect I won't be up on FIMS minutia for my subject matter anymore.)
So suggestions?
A Nice Compliment From Somebody Still at FIMS
“I am also really pleased that I got to know you a bit, even if it was
for such a short time. It is people like yourself that have really
changed how I feel about this whole library school thing – a librarian
in the making… me?”
Which is Better?
+10 and rainy/grey or -20 but crisp and sunny? That's an honest question that I don't know the answer to.
Five Things I'll (Probably) Miss About London
1. Schwarmas (unless something's changed in the last year, you can't get middle eastern food in Regina at all.) Mexican and Korean and East Indian are available here but not in any great variety as well (like one or maybe two restaurants of each type).
2. Proximity to Toronto and lots of other interesting places to explore
3. Big-name concerts and events compared to Regina.
4. Having a convenience store right in our apartment building. (Maybe I'll put a 7-11 in the basement?)
5. Along the same lines as that last point, 24-hour grocery stores (although I rarely took advantage, it was nice to have the option)
(Oh, and all my friends and classmates of course. That's assumed.)
Five Things I'm Glad to Have Now That I'm Back in Regina
1. Our house (especially our soaker tub, our own laundry and a dishwasher)
2. Our car
3. All of my books, all of my CD's.
4. Our satellite TV (yeah, I know TV is evil. But man, it's a good 500 channel evil after a year with only basic cable! )
5. The ability to play music or TV or guitar loudly in the middle of the night without worrying about infringing on the rights of others in the building (not that it stopped any of our neighbours!)
Saskatchewan Welcoming Committee
There's a reason it's called Land of Living Skies…

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