A final circle closes – my last chat for Advocacy class tonight was with former Saskatchewan Provincial Librarian (and current Director of the Coquitlam Public Library), Maureen Woods. Great teleconference which finished with a very revealing “round table” as everybody talked about what they'd taken from the class. And that's it. No more assignments. No more deadlines. I was talking to someone recently who finished in the summer and he said “It's hard to believe how quickly it all drops away.” Yep, it feels like it already has! So anyhow, look out libraries!
Yet another circle – roughly a year ago to the day, I met up with Michelle D. who was also from Regina and would be starting the program with me. We drove out to Regina's east end to have a visit with Jason B. who graduated from the program a few years ago and was going to give us the scoop (and who would probably claim he convinced both of us to apply although, at least in my case, that's not quite true since I'd been thinking of applying for about oh, ten years or so! ) We were driving out and “Fairytale of New York” was on the radio and I was like “This is the best Christmas song of all-time!”. Michelle concurred and I don't know why but that felt like a good omen – I probably thought “Okay, I know there'll be at least one cool person at library school I can talk to!”
So on that note…a Christmas moment with Shane MacGowan.
(By the way, Shane, what do you think of me being a librarian? <mumble>Brush yer teeth, boy!</mumble>)
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