My Course Picks – Winter 2007

(I wonder if that post heading got a few people doing double takes? )

The course selection meeting was this afternoon and even though I'm finished the program in a couple weeks, I thought about going just to hear what the profs said and hang out with some of the students.  Then I realised this was sort of an O'Bannion move (that's the guy in Dazed and Confused who graduates high school but still hangs around) so decided not to.  Also I fell asleep.

But anyhow, I thought I'd do some more hypothetical reality (I'm really getting to like that phrase!) and pick the courses I would take if I were still here.

570 – Instructional Strategies – J Noon. (Monday afternoon)
650 – Information Entrepreneurship – L. McKinnon (Wed evening)
762 – Enterprise Content Management – M. Debicki (Wed evening)
756 – History of the Book – B. MacDonald (distance)
758 – Publishing, Media & Librarianship – T. Oliphant (Fri morning)
760 – Communication Technologies and Connectivity: Current Trends and Researches – A. Quan-Haase (Monday morning)

So what's that give me – Monday morning, Wed afternoon, Wed evening, Friday morning and a distance course.  Yikes!  That's a pretty bad schedule to be honest. 

I'd probably try to massage things a bit – maybe pick a different class that interests me equally to a couple of these (Advanced Info Sources, Services for Children and Young Adults, Information Policy, Managing Vendor Relations, maybe I'd even take the plunge and take that one course that I know I should take but which I avoided all year – government documents.)  Maybe do another independent study or a research proposal.

Hmm, on second thought I'm glad I don't have to pick.  My last two semesters things worked out really well, both in terms of classes I got into and when they were scheduled.  I only got bumped once (into Genealogy this term) which sounded good and useful but turned out to be not as good or useful as I hoped.  (At this very minute, I'm finishing up a presentation AND a paper that are due tomorrow and isn't that like illegal or something?  Probably the most work I've done for 25% in this entire program!)

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