After a bit of a glitch (or a glit of a bitch if you're dyslexic), we're back. Got through to Customer Support at NetIdentity very quickly today and my good friend Gregory doubled my transfer limit per month from here on with no extra charge. Yay!
To celebrate, let's blow some bandwidth by linking to a few photos (just kidding – I don't think linked Flickr images count since I'm not loading them directly from my site – I should've checked though)
Here is the grad photo we took at noon today of students who are finishing the MLIS program this semester…
(This photo helps make it hit home that I'm almost done the program. But what really made it hit home was when I was at Zellers last weekend to buy toilet paper and I was like “uhm, how much toilet paper do we need for two months?” TP's one of those things, like salt or paperclips or Jack Daniels, that you just use until it's gone then you buy more without much thought of how much that usage actually is or may be in the future. (I ended up buying 20 rolls by the way.))

Doing UWO's MLIS program straight through in three semesters of five classes per semester with no breaks or co-op or terms with fewer classes is known as doing the “Suicide Five”. Below is a photo of the “Suicide Six” that I started with way back in January 2006 – Margie, Lara, Sian, me, Ian, Lindsay. (It should've been the “Suicide Eight” but Nigel, who was in the other photo, got away before I could grab him for this one and Fiacre who's also done, had a meeting and couldn't make the photo day. Actually, I just got an e-mail that the “real” photographer's memory card screwed up so we're doing it again tomorrow. So maybe I can get a better shot with everybody then!)

Finally, here's a shot of Art Slade and Maggie Wood from the Lunch Bucket on Monday. We didn't get as big of crowd as I hoped but they sold tons of book so that was good. (Art: “I should speak to adults more often – they have more than their allowance to buy stuff!”)

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