The Library Association of Alberta did a calendar a few years back featuring photos of librarians doing their non-work hobbies – riding motorcycles, belly-dancing, mountain climbing, etc. We had some brief chats about doing something similar here – either for my cohort or for the whole program via Student Council. I don't think anything ever came of it but if we did, I think Linda could be Ms. October (October 26 to be precise.) Here's an e-mail from her:
Hey all,
I'm ditching the boys in my band for a
night & playing a solo spot at the London Music Club on Thursday,
October 26th. Doors open at 7:30 p.m., and the show starts at 8:30
p.m. I'm opening for Sarah Metzner, who's from B.C. and Tiiu
Millistver, from Ottawa (originally from Guelph). The cover is $5.
isn't very often I get to play on my own, so I'm actually looking
forward the challenge. I've got a few newer songs I'll be sneaking in
for the 30 min. set.
London Music Club is where MLIS hosted a talent/variety show last
semester, and is a cozy venue. It's at 470 Colborne St. (between
Dufferin and Queen's Ave). You can find out more about how to get
there etc. at: http://www.londonmu
you want more info about me I'm not all .com'd up. So to hear me, you
gotta phone me and I'll sing to you over the phone. Or come out &
hear the live version. Thanks.
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