The Summer 2006 Spirit of Librarianship winner was announced at the Destressor on Wednesday afternoon. Bruce Fyfe came out on top in a very close race.

It was a great event with a number of nice touches – they gathered all the nominees on the stage to be acknowledged before making the announcement, all nominees received certificates (not sure if this happened last term) and I guess just the fact that student council arranged to have the stage and a mic this time rather than making the winner accept from the top of a chair was good too! Kudos to Lindsay and Gillian and everyone else involved in organizing the event.
I think this is an appropriate time to unveil the “Spirit of Librarianship” web page that Sabina and I were working together to compile for the last couple of months. As I say on the page, hopefully this will help create some institutional memory about the award and perhaps allow future students, alumni and even people in other library schools who don't have access to the student council intranet site to learn more about the award (especially since my Wikipedia page about SoL got deleted! )
Classmate of the Day: Another first as CotD goes to not a student or alumnus but to Professor Sam Trosow and Computer Services Coordinator John Fracasso sent over a couple pitchers of beer to the students gathered at the Grad Club after class around 4:30pm today. With my impeccable timing, I arrived just in time to get the final pint from one of these pitchers!
Oh, and because our final Children's Lit class tomorrow morning was cancelled due to the scheduled guest speaker being unable to make it, I am now officially done my second semester of library school!!
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