Canada currently recognizes nine federal statutory holidays (PDF) and one civic holiday. Various jurisdictions have slight differences, either in the name of existing holidays (Canada Day is apparently called Memorial Day in Newfoundland, Victoria Day is Dollard Day in Quebec) or by having unique holidays of their own (Family Day in Alberta in February, St. Jean Baptiste Day in Quebec in June.)
The ten (eleven if you get both Good Friday and Easter Monday as many places do) official holidays in Canada are:
January – New Year's Day
March/April – Good Friday (and/or Easter Monday)
May – Victoria Day
July – Canada Day
August – (Civic Holiday only in most of Canada)
September – Labour Day
October – Thanksgiving
November – Remembrance Day
December – Christmas Day
December – Boxing Day
I know there are a ton of economic issues involved so this is unlikely to ever happen but I always thought that we needed at least one or two more statutory holidays to make it an even dozen and to match the number of months (even if every month doesn't necessarily get a stat.)
The biggest gap is that long stretch between the hangover of January 1 to the redemption of Good Friday/Easter Monday in March or April. There's a reason why February has the highest suicide rate of any month and it's not just Christmas credit card debt. I think that having a statutory holiday in February would go a long way to improving the situation. Alberta's on the right track with their “Family Day” which is nondenominational, noncontroversial (oh, I'm sure some would protest) and something most people have, whether it be parents, siblings, cousins, siblings or whatever. So why not simply expand this to the rest of the country?
My other idea for a new statutory holiday is a bit stranger. Part of the reason it's so hard to implement a new holiday is the fear the business community and government have of another day where the vast majority of citizens are at home and therefore, not working and driving the economy. I agree – we all have enough holidays together. So why not have a rotating statutory holiday that depends on something else that's fairly important to everyone, no matter your religion or ethnic background or location in the country? Why not make it official that your birthday is a statutory holiday? The benefits are enormous – instead of being obligated to eat turkey or go to church, you get a day just for yourself to do whatever you want or need to do, with no obligations to family or friends, god or government.
What if your birthday falls on a day that you're not scheduled to work? As with other stats, you would get a day off near it in lieu. What if you are born on a stat? Bonus round – you get to pick any day of the year that you want to be your own personal stat holiday for the rest of your life (no changing though – the federal government might even have to start a registry!) The name of this magic new holiday? YouDay. Unlike Saddam's eldest son, this YouDay would be a time for peaceful reflection, joyous celebration or any other activity you wish to engage in.
When I am elected Prime Minister of Canada (and then declare myself “Grand Ruler for Life”) this will be my first decree change. Helping Peter Goldring realise his dream will be my second.
On a completely unrelated topic, isn't 33 a wonderful number?
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