Meme, Does It Rhyme With Dream?

It's not quite 3am (aka “bedtime”) so I'll do one more, based on a meme-thing I found on Kathleen's blog:

10 Favorites.

—> Favorite Color: red.

—> Favorite Food: pizza

—> Favorite Band: Beatles

—> Favorite Movie: lots but “Trainspotting” was the first to pop into my head

—> Favorite Sport: to watch? Hockey

—> Favorite Season: Summer

—> Favorite Day Of the Week: Friday

—> Favorite Ice Cream: Black Cherry and/or Root Beer

—> Favorite Car: Mustang

Favorite Number: 22

9 Currents…

—> Current Mood: tired

—> Current Taste: toothpaste

—> Current Computer: Acer laptop

—> Current Finger/toe nail color: translucent pink?

—> Current Time: 2:56 am

—> Current Surroundings: our apartment's living room

—> Current Annoyance: none really

—> Current Crush: hmm, I honestly can't think of anybody.

—> Current song: “Twinside” – The Boo Radleys

8 Firsts.

—> First Best Friend: Shaun Oudot

—> First pet: A cat named Fiji.

—> First Piercing: None although I probably came close in shop class once or twice. 

—> First
Crush: Kelly and I can't even remember her last name now.  She
lived next to Shaun who was a block from me. 

First Music: Dad's Elvis records.

—> First Car: 1972 Malibu Classic. 

—> First Sport Played: Hockey

—> First Concert: I think I saw Kenny Rogers with my parents when I was 10. 

7 Lasts…

—> Last music: “Treeful of Starling” – Hawksley Workman (that I bought, not that I listened to)

—> Last Drink: Water

—> Last Car Ride: A couple weeks ago when I took the rental car back.  (Does the bus count?)

—> Last word: “I'll be in bed soon!” (about two hours ago)

—> Last Phone call: Shea

—> Last CD Played: listened to the Beatles walking to Grad Club tonight

—> Last movie watched: King Kong

6 Have You…

—> Have You Ever Dated one of your best friends: Yes

—> Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yes

—> Have You Ever Been Arrested: No but I've been taken home in a cop car

—> Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes

—> Have You Ever Been on TV: Yes

—> Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know:  Yes

5 Things you did today…

—> 1) Played basketball

—> 2) Had a shower

—> 3) Got my CLA Membership package in the mail

—> 4) Drank some beer

—> 5) Watched The Daily Show

4 Places You've Been Last…

—> 1) Montreal

—> 2) Toronto

—> 3) White Oaks Mall (hey, it feels like a different place, even if it's in London)

—> 4) a variety of small towns around SW Ontario during semester break

3 People You Can Tell (Almost) Anything…

—> 1) Shea

—> 2) Shea

—> 3) Shea

about it – don't know if this is a good or bad thing.  At the same
time, I'm fairly open about my thoughts and opinions.  But for the
(almost) anything stuff, I tend to keep that close.)

2 Choices..

—> 1. Silver or gold?: No preference. 

—> 2. Vanilla or chocolate?: Vanilla

1 Person you want to be with right now!

—> 1. Mr. Sandman.  (Goodnight.)

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