Anybody watch Kenny v. Spenny on CBC? Great show. Here's my version – Shea v. Jay.
(My wife is a cardiac nurse for anyone who doesn't know.)
Shea: Has concerns about the noise of the students in the building affecting her ability to work the following day.
Jay: Is usually one of the students causing a disturbance.
Shea: Has people's lives in her hands everyday.
Jay: Will be able to waive overdue fees for his friends.
Shea: Works 12-hour shifts that require her to get up at 6am and not get home until after 7pm.
Jay: Tries to work his schedule so that none of his 3-hour classes are in the morning.
Shea: Can successfully draw blood from the thinnest vein.
Jay: Can successfully write a 10-page paper from the thinnest of premises.
Shea: Has to wear a uniform.
Jay: Occasionally tries to comb his hair.
Shea: Tries to find the balance between the wishes of doctors, co-workers, patients and their families.
Jay: Tries to find the balances between going for drinks at the Grad Club, the Spoke, Alex P. Keaton's and his balcony.
Shea: Learning to read EKG's was a challenge at first.
Jay: Learning to read was a challenge at first.
Shea: Her career is regulary voted “most trusted” in polls of the general public.
Jay: Common general public perception that all male librarians are homosexuals.
Perhaps surprisingly, the two things a majority of nurses agree are the
most disgusting aspects of their job are phleghm and dirty feet.
Jay: Perhaps surprisingly, he would like to be a children's librarian, in spite of the runny noses and dirty hands.
Shea: Got to watch an open heart surgery today as part of her training! (How frickin' cool is that?)
Jay: Wonders if they'll cover the treatment of papercuts in any of his library classes this year?
Shea: Regularly has to work with catheters and other items the public might find unpleasant.
Jay: Still unsure what a “Dewey” is.
Shea: Previously worked as a neuro-rehab nurse dealing with brain-injured patients.
Jay: Has been known to say that he met his wife when she worked as a neuro-rehab nurse and he was a brain-injured patient.
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