The following
are some subjects I've been able to explore in my first semster of
library school via essays and other assignments. I'm pretty happy
with this and am looking forward to exploring the many other topics of
interest in future semesters…
– the meaning of information
– whether librarians should be social activists
– user fees for library cards in Alberta
– the treatment of “Pro Wrestling” in the Dewey Decimal System (it's an
embarrassing topic to choose but actually one of my better essays!)
– the usage of various terms for Aboriginals/First Nations/Indians/Natives in the Library of Congress catalogue
– an overview of technological options for recording interviews
– the reliability of Wikipedia as a starting point for reference questions in public libraries
– an assessment of a rural library system's web site
I was also very negligent in not kissing the ass of Chris Dixon when I
kissed the asses of my other instructors in a previous entry. This is
especially egregious considering as he is the TA responsible for
marking my Reference Questions in 503 and my web site assignment in 505.
To make up for this he gets the extremely limited honour of being the
only instructor to get his photo in this blog so far (and based on that pose,
if the academic career doesn't work out, I'm sure there's a career in
modeling in his future.)

I haven't done Classmate of the Day for awhile and so I'll give the nod to Kerry Mogg just because she deserves it.
[Edit: 2006-03-25 – as per Chris'
request, I changed the wording in this post so I didn't refer to him as
a “prof” which is a “someday but not yet” situation. For someone
like myself who is very concerned about the use of language when
referring to library patrons/clients/customers, this oversight was
inexcusable. Well, maybe nothing that drastic but it was kind of
dumb of me. And speaking of dumb, I also forgot another person in
my ass-kissing list. Frank Lambert teaches the other section of
504 – Statistics but has arranged a very good situation with Elisabeth
Davies who teaches my section where they split both classes in terms of
their specialities. So Elisabeth teachers both sections on the
weeks we talk about qualitiative stuff and Frank's up when we learn
about quantitiative. So a shout out to Frank and I think I've
finally covered every single person who has stood in front of a class
that I'm in this semester – full profs, associate profs, assistant
profs, PhD students, TA's, and once a Journalism student who wandered
into the class confused for a brief second. Just kidding!]
Oh well, Linda Schneider who runs the GRC teaches some of our Reference
computer labs so I'll mention her too. Anybody else??? ]
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