I first got seriously involved with the Sask NDP after Ryan Meili announced as a candidate in the party’s 2009 Leadership contest.
For that reason, I thought it might be useful for anyone reading this who is just getting involved with the Sask NDP now because of Ryan (or his opponent or simply because they’re fired up about some current issue in our province) to do a “Best of” list about some of my writing about Ryan Meili over the years.
- His Potential As A Transformative Leader for Saskatchewan
In 2009, I did a series of ten posts on the reasons I was supporting Ryan Meili. My #1 reason was that he had the potential to be a transformative leader for our province in a way that comes around maybe once per generation in politics. - He’s The Best Choice. Period.
In the 2013, I did another list of ten reasons I was supporting Ryan which basically checked off all the “resume” reasons he was the best choice – from his experiences as a doctor to the fact that he spoke multiple languages to the fact that he got positive comments from a range of people from the Leader of the Sask Green Party to right-wing radio host, John Gormley among many others. - Who Best Represents Change for the Sask NDP: It Depends on How Much Change You Want
I riff on the idea that Ryan obviously represented the most change for the Sask NDP but that human psychology also makes that the scariest choice for people. - An Open Letter to Premier Calvert
Traditionally, former leaders don’t endorse candidates in current leadership races. But I decided to try to a long shot post to convince one former Leader to endorse Ryan. Unsurprisingly, Premier Calvert stayed with convention and did not endorse. - Punching Above Your Weight for #skndpldr
A post on the ways that Ryan Meili would follow in the footsteps of former Sask NDP leaders by “punching above his weight” on the national and even the international stage.
That’s only a hint of the posts I’ve done over the years about Ryan Meili and various aspects other aspects of Saskatchewan politics so click either of those links if you’d like to read more.
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