The first round isn’t quite over but following up on my post about my Stanley Cup predictions from yesterday, I thought I’d post a screen grab of our family hockey pool standings.
A few thoughts…
- Teams I “picked” currently hold 4/6 top positions. (There are a total of ~25-30 teams in the pool picked by various relatives of my cousin in BC from both sides of his family.)
- I put “picked” in quotes because my two teams (#2 + #4) are picked with an eye to strategy and picking the best players in each selection round. But three of the teams I enter are “novelty” picks – for Pace, I pick who I think is the best Canadian-born player in each round (preferably someone born in Saskatchewan) which is especially relevant this year with no Canadian teams making the playoffs. For Sasha, I literally just pick using a random pattern in each box – #1 in the first, #2 in the second, #3 in the third and so on until I get to the bottom then I work my way back up. Finally for Shea (who’s way at the bottom of the standings currently), I use a strategy she used when she was an emergency sit-in for a no-show when we did a live draft (including my cousin Mike who is currently the top of the family draft) – picking the player in each round who has the funniest/longest name. It’s a fun, easy way to get a few more teams into the pool and provides consistency as I use the same technique for both our regular season and playoff pools each year.
- As I said, always nice to see the novelty accounts do well but you’d expect that myself and some of my cousins who are big hockey fans should do well in pools like this. Yet we seem to regularly get beaten by 75 year old aunts who never watch hockey and make their picks even more randomly than Sasha does!
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