This debate format is fucking terrible. Why not just give Wall and Broten boxing gloves instead of having them repeatedly talk over each other for two minutes at a time? Beyond useless.
I’m an NDP supporter but they need to find a way to involve leaders of the Liberal, Green and PC Parties. Democracy and all that.
Brad Wall’s most common refrain: “That’s not true.” Cam Broten’s most common refrain: “You’re not listening.” Brad Wall’s most memorable zinger: It was a weird one but that line about Broten being Trump. Cam Broten’s most memorable zinger: It would’ve been the one about “The bypass is only bypassing Saskatchewan jobs” but he sort of miffed it so instead, I’ll say when he slammed Wall with: “Zif!”
They promoted #skdebate hash tag off the top. Would be interesting to see some analysis of the trends in engagement and response online.
The bad word in that first comment means I probably won’t be a candidate for at least one party anytime soon! (More thoughts on that to come in a couple weeks.)
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