Best Tales: Some of My Favourite Posts

(Last Updated: November 24, 2007)

As I write this, I've been blogging for nearly a year a a half on a pretty much daily basis, I've written 662 posts and have received an average of one comment per post (two if you count the fact that I reply to almost every single comment I receive.)  I get quite a few site visitors (although I'm still not prepared to share the number for some reason, especially considering some of the other stuff I've shared over that same time period.    I will tell you that it's more than 10 per day and less than 1000 per day.)

Because of all that and because of the main weaknesses of blogs is that they're in reverse chronological order (usually) which means the more I write, the less likely someone is to go back and browse through the blog to find informative, engaging or humourous posts (I wish I had a “random entry” button like Wikipedia does – anybody want to whip up the javascript to do it for me?), I thought I'd go back to day one (February 28, 2006) and work my way through all 662 posts, trying to pick out some of my favourites that aren't library and library school related (I already have another spot for those but I did update my “Unofficial Guide to Library School” with various posts I didn't add there when I first wrote them.  I'll try to add to this page when it is warranted.)

First Photo of Oscar

Five “Controversial” Things We Do In Raising Our Baby

Guess Who's Pregnant?

– we announce that we're pregnant with perhaps the most disturbing photo ever to appear on this blog.

Oscar Comes Home

Oscar's (Pace's) Heartbeat
– A YouTube Video of Shea Having A Doppler Test of Pace's Heartbeat

Pace Is Here
– announcing the birth of our first child

Smaller: The Story of the Disposable Diaper
– really just a link to a Malcolm Gladwell article but so interesting, I'm putting it here.

A Plea for Saskatchewan Separation

– a trip to Montreal inspired me to post this tongue-in-cheek essay I wrote as an undergrad.

Shea's Career vs. Jason's Career

–  a humourous comparison of nursing and librarianship

You Should Have Come Home Earlier
– I'm out drinking after my final class and get caught in a blizzard.  Shea pinch-hits to keep my “daily post” streak alive and gets a lot of great comments on top of it!

Your Next Candidate in Souris-Moose Mountain Is…

– I briefly considered running in the federal election…until I remember what day it is.

10 Books on Books
– I have a lot of lists on this blog so will only include a couple favourites on this page.  There's a  list category as well if you want to see all of my “list posts”

2006 End of the Year Meme
– using a couple different memes to summarize my year, this is something I hope to remember to do each year. 

How To Boost Your 'Books Read' Count Really Quickly
– some thoughts on how many books a person might read in their lifetime.

I Swear
– one of my favourite Friday Fun Link posts.

Is There A Universal Book?
– another post that generated way more discussion than I ever expected (and led to me posting the question at Ask MetaFilter as well.)

Myths of the Developing World
– this is how you do a presentation!

Public Humiliation (aka The Public Library Game)
– as a new grad who was extremely interested in public libraries, I decided to try to name the ten top level Dewey categories.  I end up getting 5.5/10.

Some Thoughts on the Four Day Work Week
– some thoughts on one of my pet causes

Sometimes I Post Just To Say I've Posted That Day

this post gets, by far and on a continual basis, the most hits of any page on my site.  I have
no idea why.  It might be the reference to Darth Vader and Eminem, it
might be that somebody has somehow managed to embed an invisible porn gallery. 

Suggestion For A New Statutory Holiday
– I won't say I called it but I did foresee the implementation of Family Day in Saskatchewan by a few months.  (Now, if someone would only take up my idea for “You-Day”.)

The Concept of Alphabetization
– one of my favourite Friday Fun Links ever

Warriors and Wusses

– some thoughts on the (contradictory?) idea that you can be against the war but support the troops

About Me – A Timeline of My Life
– this is linked from the blog's header but I thought I'd stick
it here as it really is a favourite post plus maybe the single post
I've put the most effort in to of anything I've ever written –
thinking back over personal milestones during my lifetime, talking to my parents and confirming dates, digging up and scanning appropriate old photos. 

And Now, I Am A Librarian

– I accept my first position post-FIMS

Dad's Filing Cabinet

– a slightly sentimental post about family, passing on traditions, and
attempting to impose order on the world to understand the world.

Eulogy for Grandma Peet

Eulogy for Grandma Hammond

Eulogy for Grandpa Peet  (and the post I did on the following Remembrance Day about him)

My “Co-op” Is Over (Ten Best Things About My New Job)
– looking back at my first four months as a professional librarian

My IQ Is…

– 130 (according to a CBC test anyhow)  Plus a critique of IQ testing and my own theory of multiple intelligences. 

My Myers-Briggs Personality Type
– or save yourself a clicky and know that it's ENFP as it has been since I first took the test in 1997

My Political Compass
– you probably don't have to read this blog very long to figure out where I stand politically.  But this shows you in handy-dandy chart form. 

A Failed Experiment

my first attempt at creating a new entry in Wikipedia for the Spirit of Librarianship award gets deleted in
very short order. From this entry, you can click on “A Failed
Experiment 2.0” which was the following day's post and contains more
thoughts on this process. (By the way, the page I created for reality TV blip,
Lukas Rossi, as a quasi-protest is still going strong !)

All Walls Crumble in Time (Thoughts On Setting Up A Facebook Account)
– my wife joins Facebook giving me a chance to reconsider the process with a fresh set of eyes

Crackbook Musings
– random thoughts and links to Facebook-related information

E-Music vs. iTunes
– I hate DRM.  That is all. 

Facebook's Dark Side (and Some Thoughts On Why I Blog)
– mostly about sharing information versus retaining your personal privacy

Facing Off With Facebook
– an article I wrote about Facebook for CLA's “Feliciter” magazine

Firefox Extensions I Use
– interesting but out of date now as I keep adding (and occasionally deleting) extensions all the time.

Five Easy Ways To Improve Facebook

Five More Easy Ways To Improve Facebook

Yet Five More Ways To Improve Facebook

Five Things Google Could Learn From Wikipedia (and Five Things Wikipedia Could Learn From Google
– my first ever submission to Digg (which got me 11 Diggs – yee-haa!)

Google Ad-Words Experiment
– I briefly delve into the world of online advertising to promote my blog.

When Did Facebook Replace E-mail?
– although I definitely wasn't the only one to observe this, I was just ahead of the curve on this idea and this entry got a lot of links from elsewhere in the blogosphere.

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