Tag Archives: facebook

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – @ryanmeili Embraces Latest in “Poli-Techs” Once Again With Facebook Live Event #skpoli #skndpldr

Since he first ran for the leadership of the Sask NDP nearly a decade ago, Ryan Meili has been incredibly adept at harnessing new technologies to achieve political goals. In 2009, he ran Canada’s first-ever political “money bomb” fundraiser which was a huge success, raising (if memory serves) something like 1/6 of all the money Ryan […]

Everything Is Too Complicated – What Are Tech Companies Assuming We Know?

A good article which is especially relevant to libraries where we hear many tech-related questions every day and struggle with how far we go with our tech-support role, how we train staff to answer tech questions and whether “Tech Help Desk” is the new “Reference Desk” for the modern library. Think of the tech industry […]

“I Made My Shed The Top Rated Restaurant on TripAdvisor” (And Some Quick Thoughts on Fake News)

At RPL’s recent Staff Development Day, I was asked to moderate a panel discussion on fake news.  The panelists included a local education prof who specializes in social media and digital technology, a journalism prof who specializes in mass and alternative media and a journalist who is the assignment producer as well as having responsibility for […]

Friday Fun Link – Best Social Media Management & Analysis Tools

I don’t do a huge amount of this on my own blog/FB/Twitter/etc. but still useful to know what tools are out there for managing all aspects of your online presence – tracking mentions, controlling content, your social media reach and so on.

[My Internal Monologue Right Now]

There’s lots of stuff going on in the news and politics and the world and on social media that feels interconnected and important and I’d like to talk about some of this stuff too. But increasingly, I don’t know how to do that without offending someone.  Or saying the wrong thing.  Or being attacked for even having an […]

A Timeline of Major Events in the #SaveSKLibraries Campaign #skpoli #SAVEDSKLibraries

Hopefully Saskatchewan’s public libraries will never have to go through what we just went through over the past month ever again. But I thought I’d try to document some of the various events and happenings during the multi-pronged resistance to the massive library cuts in the 2017 Saskatchewan budget (which ultimately led to the cuts being reversed […]

Ten Random Things

Ryan Meili won the byelection in Saskatoon Meewasin and was sworn into the Legislature yesterday. In completely unrelated news, Brad Wall had a press conference today about wanting to cut public sector salaries by 3.5% while sounding like someone who knew he’s stuck around for one election too long and was about to tarnish what was […]

The Breakfast Club Cast as Social Media Sites

I always did identify with Brian right down to having a very shitty experience in shop class (er, if anybody hasn’t seen the movie, Brian’s the character on the far left, not the far right!) 😉

Friday Fun Link – What The World’s Biggest Sites Looked Like At Launch

This is pretty interesting featuring screenshots of the original version of sites such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon, etc. For comparison’s sake, here’s what my very first web page looked like in December 1998 (this isn’t the first page I ever made but the earliest I could find in the Wayback Machine).       Crazy to […]

Some Thoughts On Maintaining Perspective

So I’m having a bit of a rough June… I won’t get into the gory details (or post the photos!) but it involves a minor medical procedure, a longer-than-expected recovery, an unexpected infection which may or may not be a result of that first procedure and which swelled one of my arms up to double the size of […]