Daily Archives Monday, November 2017

Music Monday – “I wish I had carved my bad poetry/Into your back while you were asleep/A little something to remind you of me/A little something for her to hold on to”

I’m fascinated by coincidences and have had a few recently… Went to a housewarming party this weekend and a guy mentions the completely random fact that they ended up sitting next to a previous owner of their Regina home in a bar in Saskatoon, never having met him before! The same housewarming party was hosted […]

Minister of Education Bronwyn Eyre Under Fire (aka “Don Morgan, I Miss You!”) #skpoli

When an Education Minister cuts funding so significantly that it puts the entire, century-in-the-making public library system at risk of shutting down completely, it’s not surprising that I’m not going to be a fan. Luckily, thousands of other people across the province felt the same way, then-Education Minister, Don Morgan, admitted his mistake and public […]