Ten Things I Wouldn’t Be Surprised To Hear @realdonaldtrump Say at Tonight’s #debates #debatetonight

  1. “I’m going to reveal the truth of the biggest conspiracy in political history right now.  Hillary Clinton asked me to run because she thought I could help her undermine the Republican Party.  But she didn’t know I was a winner and now I’m going to win!”
  2. “America needs to elect someone who has balls.”
  3. “Blah, blah blah.  Are you done, professor?”
  4. “Electing women and black people is political correctness run amok.”
  5. “I always tell the truth. Hillary Clinton lies every time she opens her mouth.”
  6. “She came to my wedding.  I know how the system works better than anyone because I’ve been buying politicians forever.  I bought her but no one will buy me.”
  7. “Melania will be a hot First Lady.  Bill will be a disgusting slob of a First Lady.”
  8. “On day one, I’ll pass a law to deport treasonous people who threaten US national security like Secretary Clinton did.”
  9. “If anyone watching this says “debate” during their next visit to a Trump property, they’ll receive a 10% discount on their entire stay.”
  10. “Monica.”

It’s scary that some of these are jokes and some these are semi-serious and it’s hard to tell the difference!

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  1. From Head Tale - Music Tuesday – “Going to the candidate’s debate/Laugh about it, Shout about it/When you’ve got to choose/Every way you look at it, you lose.” on 27 Sep 2016 at 7:26 pm

    […] didn’t a Music Monday song yesterday since I was too excited about making a snarky Donald Trump post.  But how can I not post […]

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