Monthly Archives September 2016

Friday Fun Link – Six Disproportionately Common Names By Profession

Most Common Librarian Names include Johanna, Abigail, Margot, Nanette, Julia, Eleanor. (The data set apparently only looks for common names that aren’t found in other fields.  So a popular name like “John” or “Jennifer” which is fairly common across all areas won’t show up unless it is an outlier – eg. *extremely* popular in a […]

Throwback Thursday – Waterslide Splash (January 2013)

Who goes to Winnipeg for a family holiday in the middle of winter?  My and Shea’s families – that’s who! Luckily we pretty much stayed in our poolside room for the weekend and only went out for booze, supper one night and a trip to the Forks on our final day there when it had […]

MetaFilter on the First Presidential Debate

MetaFilter’s been having ongoing mega-threads every few days for MeFites to discuss the election.  They started the latest one for Monday night’s debate.

Music Tuesday – “Going to the candidate’s debate/Laugh about it, Shout about it/When you’ve got to choose/Every way you look at it, you lose.”

I didn’t a Music Monday song yesterday since I was too excited about making a snarky Donald Trump post.  But how can I not post this? “Mrs. Robinson” – Simon & Garfunkel

Ten Things I Wouldn’t Be Surprised To Hear @realdonaldtrump Say at Tonight’s #debates #debatetonight

“I’m going to reveal the truth of the biggest conspiracy in political history right now.  Hillary Clinton asked me to run because she thought I could help her undermine the Republican Party.  But she didn’t know I was a winner and now I’m going to win!” “America needs to elect someone who has balls.” “Blah, […]

Secular Sunday – Ricky Gervais Destroys Religion in Interview

Honestly, how does anyone believe in god after you think about it for like, seven seconds?

Saturday Snap – Uncle Jason!

Here’s my new nephew and I hanging out. His name is Hayz and his face is “Purple Hayz”! 😉

Friday Fun Link – Dancing at the end of @officialRPL 50th Anniversary “Retro” Party

After originally being posted by Shea to Facebook (which means I have plausible deniablility but also that not everyone could view it since she didn’t make it public), this video has taken on a bit of legendary status. I’m getting all these cryptic e-mails from other people at RPL (and even beyond) that say “Hey, […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Crunching Leaves (September 2010)

The Breakfast Club Cast as Social Media Sites

I always did identify with Brian right down to having a very shitty experience in shop class (er, if anybody hasn’t seen the movie, Brian’s the character on the far left, not the far right!) 😉