Monthly Archives January 2016

The Strange Saga of #JohnScott and the 2016 NHL #AllStarGame

People can stomp their feet and claim “it’s embarrassing to the league and the All-Star Game” all they want. But, the game features a Velveeta cheese fountain, celebrity coaches no one has heard of, and most importantly it’s an exhibition game. [Scott] has become the saviour of the All-Star Game, and legions of people have become […]

Saturday Snap – January in Saskatchewan

Friday Fun Link – Five Little Monkeys Parody

This is pretty funny…  

Trump Rally in a Nutshell

Doesn’t anyone remember Trump and his words with John McCain?! This [veteran] is talking about how tough it is being in a war. He is standing on a stage with [Donald Trump] a man who ridiculed a POW for no good reason for being captured and tortured in a war. Trump’s supporters are incredibly delusional. […]

Without Sundaes, We Get This…

 Following up on yesterday’s photo of two happy kids enjoying sundaes, a less joyous moment… 

Homemade Sundaes


Music Monday – “Right wingin’, Bitter clingin’, Guns and God Are Our Religion”

As a general rule, I don’t think you should mock your political opponents. But since these two yahoos are from the US, they’re technically not my opponents and I’m free to highlight their stupidity freely. 😉 In all seriousness, Sarah Palin’s recent endorsement of Donald Trump was mystifying. But is there method to her madness?  Is […]

The 10 Most Unique Experiences In My Life

Shea and I have reached that point in our lives where we tend to buy most Christmas gifts for ourselves and then label them as if they were from each other. But we do usually try to get at least one original “surprise” gift as well – for example, this year I bought her some […]

Saturday Snap – Me and My Evil Twin Afraid of an Alien Kid

“Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare” – School Shooting in La Loche

Definitely not a “Friday Fun Link” day today with news of a shocking shooting at a school in northern Saskatchewan which killed four people (not five as many early reports stated) with others injured. Here are some random thoughts… Reading online comments, many right wing Americans are calling out Obama for saying “This doesn’t happen […]