Who Do Our Kids Look More Like?

Recently rediscovered My Heritage’s “Look-A-Like” app where you can upload photos of different people and it will tell you who looks more like whom.

(Usually you’d upload pictures of two parents and their child to see who the child resembles the most but we also experimented with comparing my aunt to my sister and I to see who looked more like her.)

I’m sure a lot has to do with the photos you choose – facial shape, hair style, etc. (I thought the fact that neither Pace nor Sasha have a beard would count heavily against me!)  But here’s the verdict…

Pace Look-a-like Sasha Look-a-like

So that was a bit surprising – I think the consensus tends to be that Pace looks more like Shea’s side of the family and Sasha looks more like my side of the family.  But both coming out as a tie is probably a good thing for family harmony too! 😉

(The thing I want to know is how two dark-haired parents have one kid who’s blonde and one who’s got pretty reddish hair.  Genetics are fun – or is it the postman and milkman who are fun?) 😉

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